Demystifying Age: So How Young are You?

I’ve been on an unannounced blogging hiatus since the struggle to focus on writing my dissertation and completing my degree became realer sometime in May. Thankfully, that is behind me now and I am back home in The Gambia after graduating successfully.

While trying to make sense of everything that’s happening around me and holding firm in the face of the choices I am suddenly confronted with, I’ve thought of coming back to Linguere to share my thoughts, my new journey. Procrastination got the better of me each time and I kept putting it off, convincing myself that I needed the time to recreate and re-brand before getting back into the blogosphere.

When Timi of LivelyTwist asked me to join her and a few other bloggers to write a blog post, I thought it was my chance to get back to writing, especially since the topic was one of relevance to my current experiences.

We talked about age from different perspectives and I must say I enjoyed reading the posts from my fellow bloggers, each one shedding a new light on the topic. While I prepare to fully return to blogging, enjoy the awesome stories on this blog post.

2 thoughts on “Demystifying Age: So How Young are You?

  1. Hi Jama, Thanks for being a part of this. I had a lot to chew on as I read the different perspectives. Age is not as neutral as we sometimes think is it?

    1. Not at all. Reading the different entries from the bloggers got me thinking some more about the topic. It’s like an awakening to realities that I’d hitherto ignored on one hand, and a sort of reassurance that my current experiences are somewhat ‘normal’.
      Thanks for initiating this!

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